They have a single membrane around their nuclei. Which of the following statements is NOT true about cyanobacteria. Nostoc Sp Cyanobacteria Blue Green Algae Stock Images Free Stock Photos Views Which of the following diseases or groups of diseases is not caused by prions. . Cyanobacteria can also be used as vectors. Acid-fast staining is used in identification. Which of the following statements is true about cyanobacteria. C They often form bloom in non-polluted fresh water bodies. Which of the following statements is true about a vector. Many of them form symbiotic association with fungi and green plants. Which of the following statements about the two domains of prokaryotes is NOT true. Have a bacteriochlorophyll-based photosystem 2 O C. Which of the following statements true about Cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria are found in freshwater brackish water and moist soil. Plasmids phages can be